Pattern Matching Structure Generator

Pattern Matching Structure Generator is a tool for generating a large number of filler dispersion structures. Based on images and structures of 2D or 3D particle size distributions, it generates structures with similar particle size distributions. The distribution function can also be directly specified.

Basic functions

  • - Loading the original structure
    Analysis of particle size distribution by loading 2D images and 3D structures (multiple slice images).
  • - Editing and creating new particle size distribution
    Edit the shape of the particle size distribution with parameters and histograms.
    New distribution functions (normal distribution, Weibull distribution, etc.) can be set.
  • - Generate pattern matching structures
    Generates a multi-case similarity structure that reproduces the specified particle size distribution within a box of the specified size.
    Scoring based on the degree of agreement with the desired particle size distribution, density, etc.
  • - Output function of results
    Outputs the results as 3D density distribution of SUSHI or Bead model of COGNAC by selecting the highest scoring cases.