Graphical Open User interface foR Multi-scale analysis EnvironmenT

GOURMET is a platform on which simulation programs run.
GOURMET provides a common graphical user interface for all simulation programs.
GOURMET is an editor of the input data, a viewer of the output data,
a tool to make graphs and animations, and most importantly a place for various simulation programs to meet and exchange the information they have.
These services can be customized and enhanced by users.
New simulation programs can be easily connected to GOURMET by writing the input and output files in a certain text file format.

Examples of applications

  • - Editor/Browser/Designer for UDF files
  • - Viewer for 3D graphics of UDF objects
  • - gnuplot interface for analysis
  • - python scripting and actions for UDF objects
  • - Unit system conversion
  • - Import filter for external data files
  • - Simple Molecular builder using molfile/PDB file

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Extensions of GOURMET

In OCTA 8.4 and later, GOURMET has been upgraded with faster data I/O and faster drawing of OCTA simulation files,
and platform functions for large data have been enhanced.
In addition, interfacial drawing and analysis functions have been implemented.
This makes it possible to utilize the simulation results of polymer composite materials more easily.


  • - High-speed read/write function for simulation files (UDF)
    Support for record-divided binary UDFs.
  • - High-speed visualization and rendering of simulation results
    Available for large-scale simulations of 10 million particles and 100 million meshes.
    Culling drawing, drawing range setting, drawing objects, etc.
  • - Interfacial drawing and analysis functions for composite materials
    Color coding of each domain, output of surface area, domain volume, and domain center of gravity coordinates.
  • - Interface curvature calculation and display
    Calculation of Gauss curvature and averaged curvature.